In 2010, she joined the Metabolic Physiopathology research group at the University of Lleida, Spain, as a post-doctoral researcher, where she has been working since. Throughout these years she has been involved in multiple publicly funded research projects and contracts with companies as a member of the Tecnio Nutren-Nutrigenomics group.

Dr. Ana B. Granado-Serrano
University degree
Dra. Ana Belén Granado-Serrano graduated in Biology by the University of Extremadura in 2005.
During her last year she began researching in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Genetics with Dr. Elena García Martín, where she studied certain snps related to enzymes of metabolism of histamines and the association with inflammatory disease of intestines such as the ulcerative colitis.
Doctoral degree
In 2005, she got a scholarship to develop a thesis in the Department of Metabolism and Nutrition of Instituto del Frio, known today as Instittue of Science and Technology of Food and Nutrition that belongs to The Higher Council of Scientific Research (CSIC).
In 2009, she became Doctor by the University Computense of Madrid presenting the research called “Molecular mechanisms of diet polyphenols in cells and animals”, directed by Dr. Sonia Ramos Rivero. She was awarded with a Cum Laude mention and with the Extraordinary Doctorate Award.
Research projects
Throughout her life, she has been involved in the development of several relevant scientific projects:
2015-2016, Microbiome profile aftre the consumption of patented fiber. Project TENIOSpring financed by Marie-Curie Sklodowska included in the 7th EU program.
2015-2018, Cellular stress and relocation of transcription factors in physiopathology of ALS.
University of Lleida. Project financed by Instituto de Salud Carlos III.
2012-2014, Guide to standing of declarations in food effects : immune function, cognitive function and metabolic syndrome – INCOMES (INNPRONTA, CDTI)
2011-2012, Characteristics of Excelsium and the effects on cell models. Antientropic Corporation, SL and Nutren-nutrigenomics.
2008-2010, Study of the cardio effects and intestine habits associated to instant chocolate.
Determination in voluntary humans and groups of risk. Nutrexpa, SA and Insituto del Frío.
2004-2007, Evaluation of the potential of cocoa fiber in nutrition. Nutrexpa SA and Instituto del Frío. Project financed by CSIC.
2004-2007, Protection against the oxidatyive stress and anti-cancer properties of chocolate polyphenols. Nutrexpa, SA and Insituto del Frío.
2005, Evaluation of the bio-availability of protection effect of hypo-cholesterol by the chocolate fiber. Natraceutical SA and Instituo del frío.
2012-2014, New mechanisms of cell senescence based on free radicals as pathogenic mechanism in ALS. University of Lleida. Project financed by Spanish Science and Innovation Ministry.
2011-2014, Development of new methodologies and technologies to prove the effectiveness of food in human health and the reduction of chronic diseases in the middle age (CNIT). University of Lleida. Project financed by Spanish Science and Innovation Ministry.
2008-2011, Cell agingas a pathogenic mechanism in ALS, connection between lipid peroxidation, autophagy and Mitochondrial biogenesis. University of Lleida. Spanish Health Ministry.
2007-2010, In vitro and in vivo determination of the potential preventive effects of the flavanols in the diet against the colonic cancer. Instituto del Frío. Project financed by Spanish Science and Innovation Ministry.
2008-2009, Study about the anti-inflammatory potential and anti-cancer properties of quercetin in a liver cancer. Instituto del Frío. Proyecto financiado por el CSIC.
2005-2006, Study about the anti-cancer properties of polyphenols through the diet in cells in a liver cancer. Instituto del Frío. Project financed by the Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid.
2004-2007, Study about the anti-cancer properties of polyphenols through the diet and metabolites in cells and lab animals. Instituto del Frío. Project financed by Spanish Science and Education Ministry.
From 2010 she works in the group of research in Metabolic Physiopathology of the University of Lleida. She is a member of the Tecnio Nutren-Nutrigenomics Group that develops researching in Nutrigenomics, oxidative stress and aging associated pathologies.
Stays in Foreign Research Centers
In 2008, during her pre-doc stay, she had the opportunity to work in the Department of Physiology of Ghent University (Belgium), under the direction of Prof. Guy Haegeman. This work was focused on the study of eukaryotic gene expression and signs transduction.
In 2015, during her post-doc stay as an intern in the European program TECNIOSpring, included in the Marie-Curie Sklodowska actions and coordinated by ACCIÓ, she worked for a year in the Institut des Maladies Métaboliques et Cardiovasculaires de Toulouse (France), tha belongs to the Institut National de la Santé et la Recherche Médicale (INSERM). The under the direction of Prof. Rémy Burcelin she learned about the Microbiome and the role in the development of metabolic diseases such as diabetes.
Published papers
Cacabelos D. et al, Neurobiology Diseases. 2016 Apr; 88:148-60
Cacabelos D. et al, Acta Neuropathologica Communications, 4-3, Springer, 2016.
Serrano JCE, Diseases 4-1, 2016.
Cacabelos D. et al, Neuromolecular Medicine, 2014 Dec; 16(4): 669-85
Mancuso R. et al, Neurotherapeutics, 2014 Apr; 11(2): 419-32
Sáyago-Ayerdi SG, et al. Food Chemistry, 2014 Apr; 148: 54-9
Granado-Serrano AB, Nutrition and Cancer, 2012 64(4):588-98
Granado-Serrano AB, Chemico-Biological Interactions, 2012 Jan; 195(2):154-64
Ayala V, Granado-Serrano AB, Acta Neuropathologica, 2011 Sep; 122(3):259-70
Granado-Serrano AB, Nutrition and Cancer, 2010; 62(3):390-401
Martin MA, Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, 2010 Jul; 54(7):956-66
Granado-Serrano AB, British Journal of Nutrition, 2010 Jan; 103(2): 168-79
Granado-Serrano AB, CAB International, 2010
Granado-Serrano AB, Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2009 Oct; 47(10): 2499-506
Martín-MA, Journal Agricultural Food Chemistry, 2008 Sep; 56(17): 7765-72
Ramos S, Journal Agricultural Food Chemistry, 2008 Aug; 56(16): 6985-93
Granado-Serrano AB, Journal Nutrition Biochemistry, 2009 Feb; 20(2): 115-24
Granado-Serrano AB, Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, 2008 Apr; 52(4): 457-64
Granado-Serrano AB, Journal Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2007 Mar; 55(5): 2020-7
Granado-Serrano AB, Journal of Nutrition, 2006 Nov: 136(11):2715-21
Alía M, Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 2006 Apr: 212(2): 110-8